

The key short Quaker text is Advices and Queries. It’s available (online) or as a small booklet from the Friends Meeting House. It forms the first chapter of a longer text called Quaker Faith and Practice. This presents insights and wisdom of the Society of Friends accumulated through the centuries in the form of short quotations. The full text is available online; it’s also in bookshops and from Friends House, Euston Road London.

Links to Meetings:

Britain Yearly Meeting: national Quaker work and resources

Southern Marches Area Meeting: the area meeting comprising Abergavenny, Almeley Wooton, etc

Meeting of Friends in Wales is open to all Friends who live or work in Wales.

Courses, Conferences, Retreats; Holidays

Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre: education “based around exploring Quakerism and the themes of interest to Quakers, such as Peace and Reconciliation, Quaker History and Spiritual Journeys”.

Charney Manor
a 13th Century Conference and Retreat Centre owned by the Society of Friends (Quakers), known as a quiet and safe venue for delegates involved in conflict resolution and international affairs. We also provide facilities for groups which include charities, businesses, medical and research staff, musicians, ... a program of events “to nourish the spirit through silence, deep listening and exploring with heart and mind”.

Swarthmoor Hall
Holiday accommodation, conference facilities and events including weekends for enquirers.  Originally the home of Judge Fell and his wife Margaret.  Margaret Fell having been widowed married George Fox and with him created much of teh organisation of early Friends.

Claridge House
Offering accommodation and courses. “Claridge House is a Quaker centre for healing, rest and renewal, associated with the Friends Fellowship of Healing”.

Quaker centre and guest house. Holiday accommodation and conference facilities.

Bamford Quaker Community
Runs retreats and courses.

Quakers in the World Portal provides access to high quality information and resources for everyone who wants to know more about what Quakers have done and are doing in the world, and why.

Centre Quaker de Congénies
In the Languedoc village of Congénies in the south of France. A group of Quakers meeting for worship and other activities, and the Centre also has a programme of other events.

Talking Friends the Quaker recording service for visually impaired people 

Quaker Groups

“Respect the wide diversity among us in our lives and relationships . . . Remember that each of us is unique, precious, and a child of God” Advices and Queries para 22

Quaker Action on Alcohol and Drugs - QAAD
Quaker Disability Equality Group: works towards full inclusion of people with disabilities and carers in all aspects of Quaker life.

Quaker LGBT  Fellowship: a welcoming and supportive group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Quakers – and everyone who has an interest in and sympathy with the Quaker way.

Experiment with Light
A process of steeping oneself in the spirit, initiated by Rex Ambler.  Here is an epistle from an Experiment with Light held at Glenthorne.

Quaker Universalist Group is a forum to explore all sorts of spiritual awareness with openness, tolerance and compassion. It reaches out to seekers beyond the Society of Friends and joins with other Universalists around the world so that together we may deepen our spiritual practice, in whatever form that takes.  Website

The Nontheist Friends Network (a listed informal group of Britain Yearly Meeting)

Young Friends General Meeting – a national community of young adult Quakers in Britain. YFGM is a good way to make links with other Young Adult Quakers. We gather together for worship and to share interests. Our members regularly meet up between gatherings and plan extra social weekends too.

Quaker Voluntary Action  Quaker Voluntary Action provides practical opportunities to put faith into action and develop ways of volunteering that meet the challenges of our time.

Llandrindod Groups (relevant to Quakers, but not Quaker groups)

Trawsnewid Llandrindod Transition  is part of the Transition Network, a worldwide organisation of people who want to do something practical locally to reduce our impact on the environment in the face of climate change and diminishing resources.

Red Kite Credit Union 
is working in partnership with the other Powys credit unions to promote a wider take-up of the benefits of Credit union membership throughout Powys and enable the people of Powys to "say NO to Debt Row!"  Red Kite Credit Union also works with Robert Owen Community Banking Fund in connection with their schemes for low or zero interest loans for Renewable Energy installations and Home Improvements.

CYTUN , is the body representing churches together in Wales,  Meeting of Friends in Wales is a constituent of CYTUN.

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