the last census the largest group in the question about religion were
the “Nons” - the non-believers, the people for whom religion had
no relevance, and no part in their lives. It is not surprising to
me. The trouble with religion is that it keeps on getting fossilised
in ways of thinking that are no longer appropriate, and adapted to
the needs of the powerful and rich.
breakdown is forcing us all to re-think our lives, lets take a minute
to re-think religion. Wikipedia defines the word religion as: “a
social-cultural system of designated behaviours and practices”,
that's just where we are, abandoning single use plastics, rethinking
our western diet, re -use, reduce, repair. It goes on .. “morals,
world views”, if that is not where we are then where are we?
“Texts”, we started with Rachel Carson and Silent Spring, texts
influence us right up to Greta Thunberg's address to the UN – “How
dare you”. “Sanctified places”, how about the still untouched
parts of the Amazon? “Prophecies, ethics and organisation that
relates humanity to spiritual elements”, which is itself defined as
“a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, a
universal human experience - something that relates to us all”.
maybe we can see that XR and Transition, green thinking, green
economics, might all be grouped into a definition of a sort of
religion, but what then, is this just a pedantic, intellectual
exercise? I think not, I think that there is value in pausing in the
urgent task of saving humanity from itself, to think about what we
have learnt.
ought to be afraid, mankind is poised on the verge of catastrophe,
but there is joy in what we are doing. Why is that? I suggest it is
because we are coming together, we are acting together, educating
each other, feeling for each other, supporting each other. We are
not alone.
are clear. We are not being swayed by the practicalities. We know
that continual growth is a dream that has turned into a nightmare.
We are prepared to accept that doing the right thing might cost us,
and why not, if we are the privileged have we not the privilege of
sharing? If every human has the same rights, the same value as any
other, then the logic of that understanding is that we have to work
for equality of opportunity, we have to respect others, we have to be
honest to others, we have to equate our well being with theirs. We
have to simplify our lives and our demands on others and the planet.
are individuals with talents and strengths and weaknesses, we are
individuals that are part of a community, but more we are part of
community. For me that is religion, we are prepared to give and
receive, we are open to others, their benefits and their needs. We
are practising loving our neighbour.
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