I am very grateful to be living in Wales, where the Welsh Government, as
usual, so much more progressive than the UK Government, has placed a
moratorium on allowing permissions for fracking. However as a UK
citizen as well as a Welsh one, I am horrified that the UK Government is
supporting another fossil extraction industry at the time when it is so
clear that fossil fuels should be left in the ground and all resources
available for energy use should be put to increasing those industries
that use renewable energy. One week after the UN Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change launched its latest report, telling us we have
just 12 years to limit climate catastrophe, we have a government that is
simultaneously massively rewarding the fossil fuel industry while
jailing those trying to stand in its way. Climate change is the
greatest threat to mankind at this time, creating the pressures that
cause wars and population migration. I really wish that our Government
will get real and start thinking about the well being of future
generations instead of getting mired down in internal party jockeying
for position, unfortunately our country has to sit on the sidelines
until we get the next chance for a change of UK Government.
On the 1st November the Guardian carried a piece indicating that a lot of conservative MPs, particularly those with fracking sites in their constituencies are getting cold feet about this crazy industry. The Government raised the level of tremor from 0.5 to 1 to give the frackers more lee-way, unfortunately this higher level was very quickly exceeded by Cuadrilla in the Ribble Valley. I cannot help but expect that the whole industry will collapse long before it produces any profit, and the Government will be left to clear up abandoned sites.
I cannot see anyway in which fracking makes sense, but still we lurch forward with it.
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